1. Since she can't decide what color to paint the exterior of her home, my mom has painted the front of her house an array of colors, including periwinkle, orange, goldenrod, and pea green (at least it seems like it will be pea green - this one hasn't quite dried yet), hoping this may help her decision-making process. I lean toward the orange. Mark and Stephanie stop by my mom's house, and we sit in the living room and discuss stuffed bears, a murderous teacher at Mark's school, and the like.
2. Some sort of natural phenomenon has occurred while I am at work (obviously not that awesome of a phenomenon since I have since forgotten the specifics). To commemorate the event I decide to pick up a souvenir at the local nature store (imagine if Natural Wonders were more like an anchor store at the mall) even though I worry that the store may be too crowded with like-minded shoppers. While shopping, I determine that a bird-feeder will make the perfect Christmas gift for my grandma.