1. I am in an unfamiliar airport looking for the restroom, which I learn is down the longest, steepest escalator I've ever ridden. The escalator spits you right into the women's restroom, causing much confusion among the men who seem to think it is a unisex restroom. Also causing confusion, the restroom seems to be modeled after a Las Vegas casino, filled with flashing, buzzing, ringing islands of toilets/games-of-chance; unable to determine if the seat I have chosen is a combination game and toilet or just a game, I play the game without peeing.
2. I am observing a teacher's classroom with several other teachers when I interrupt the class to show the teacher whose classroom we are observing a fun way to teach grammar and sentence construction involving legos of different sizes and colors. Since I don't have any legos, I demonstrate using all the cassette tapes I have brought with me. The teacher's major concern with the activity is that her students are not ready for gerunds.